• 1 Register
  • 2 Entries
  • 3 Items
  • 4 Review
  • 5 Pay
  • 6 Confirm
  • 7 Finish
TO BEGIN:  Click on Sign In at the upper right-hand of your screen.
ADVISORS:  Choose Club from drop down menu. Your password is the same used for the nomination system.  There is a reset password option if needed or for further assistance call the Fair at 515-262-311 x246.
EXHIBITOR: Choose Exhibitor from drop down menu. Log in or create an account and establish a password. Each exhibitor who plans to show needs their own account. Account must be created in the student/exhibitor’s name.  
SAVE CART and SAVE OFTEN! Saving your cart is the only way to keep user data and allows you to return later to complete your entry submission.
In addition to a completed online entry, a signed Code of Ethics must be mailed to the Fair for each exhibitor.
Mail to: Iowa State Fair
FFA Department  
PO Box 57130
Des Moines, IA 50317
All entries must be approved by your FFA Advisor before entries are finalized.
All cattle, goat, poultry, rabbit, sheep  and swine exhibitors are required to have a YQCA certificate.  The certificate number must be listed in the exhibitor profile.
For questions please contact the Iowa State Fair  ffa@iowastatefair.org  515-262-3111 x246